Appendix 1.1 Initial Contact Latter and Participant Response Form

Brimer and Brymer Surname Origin Research Project


I am currently running a project to investigate the origin of the Brimer and Brymer surnames as part of the Genealogical Studies Postgraduate Programme at the University of Strathclyde.

The project is using DNA testing and documentary sources to study the ancestry of families bearing either the Brimer or Brymer surname within the United Kingdom. This could greatly enhance the knowledge and understanding of the various genealogical branches of these surnames and the project aims to discover whether or not they are all descended from one person or have multiple origins.

The approach, using genetic genealogy, seeks to show connections between individuals through their DNA. The whole process, which would involve no cost to yourself, is undertaken in strict confidence and participants’ names cannot be publically linked with the test kit – the kit is processed with the title ‘Sample’ followed by a unique set of numbers.  Results are only accessible by myself as the researcher and of course by the participant.  Samples are collected by participants themselves using a simple mouth swab from the inside of the cheek.

If you agree to participate, your results will be compared with the database of the genetic genealogy project to identify close matches to your own. A close match would indicate a shared ancestry between yourself and other individuals.

I would very much appreciate your participation in the research. If you are interested in participating, or would like further details, please return the enclosed questionnaire and I will send you more information on what the DNA test involves and attempt to answer any other questions you may have.

Yours sincerely,


Debbie Brimer PGDip (Genealogical Studies) Postgraduate Student Genealogical Studies Postgraduate Programme







Participant Response Form


I hope that you will be interested in taking part in this study and helping to find out more about the Brimer and Brymer families. Please could you fill in this form and return it in the stamp-addressed envelope provided.

  Tick as Appropriate
I would like to take part in the study. Please send me a DNA testing kit.


I am interested in taking part but would like further information before deciding to take part.

Please specify:






I do not wish to take part in the study at this time but would like to remain in contact and be updated about the project.


I do not wish to take part in this study. Please do not contact me again.



For those who would like to take part or stay in touch and receive updates about the project please confirm your address and provide other contact methods you would be happy for me to use:

Name   Preferred Method of Contact














To help place you in the correct branch of the family tree, please would you complete the form overleaf with the details that you know and are comfortable giving.

Many Thanks




  Your Name Your Husband’s / Wife’s Name
Please give full names


Previous surname(s) where appropriate    
Date / Place of birth


Date / Place of Marriage




Your children’s names*


1 2 3
Date / Place of Birth


Date / Place of Marriage


Name of wife / husband


Their children*






  Your Father Your Mother (Maiden Name)
Please give full names


Date / Place of birth


Date / Place of Marriage


Date /Place of Death


Occupation / Religion


Your brother’s / sister’s  names*


1 2 3
Date / Place of Birth / Baptism


Date / Place of Marriage


Name of wife / husband


Their children*









  Paternal Grandparents Maternal Grandparents
Please give full names






Date / Place of birth






Date / Place of Marriage


Date /Place of Death






Occupation / Religion


Any other information:




































Brimer-Brymer database last updated at 2016-07-02 00:29:43 with 4028 census records and 2856 individuals