Appendix 1.3 Letter Sent if Kit and Consent Form Not Returned

Brimer and Brymer Surname Origin Research Project

22 May 2017


Thank-you for agreeing to take part in the project to investigate the origin of the Brimer and Brymer surnames as part of the Genealogical Studies Postgraduate Programme at the University of Strathclyde.

For your information, currently 11 people have agreed to test, representing 6 of the 10 branches with surviving males born between 1916 and 1998. This is a fantastic response and should greatly enhance the knowledge of the families compared to the documentary evidence alone. The first results are now in, although some are not due until the end of May as they take about 10 weeks after the kits are received in the USA.

I notice however, that your Consent Form has not been returned and the DNA sample has not been received by the testing laboratory and was wondering if there are any problems or concerns that I can help with?

If you have decided that you do not wish to go ahead, can I please ask you to return the kit to me so it can be reused?

I enclose a response form and stamp addressed envelope for ease of reply.

Many thanks

Yours sincerely,


Debbie Brimer PGDip (Genealogical Studies) Postgraduate Student Genealogical Studies Postgraduate Programme







Brimer-Brymer database last updated at 2016-07-02 00:29:43 with 4028 census records and 2856 individuals