Brimer Births – England and Wales 1837-2005 Analysis


There were 201 births with the BRIMER surname between 1837-2005 according to the births indices available online. The index for records after 2005 are only available at seven libraries in the UK –  Manchester City Library, Birmingham Central Library, Bridgend Reference and Information Library, Plymouth Central Library, City of Westminster Library, London Metropolitan Archives and The British Library – and have not been consulted.  Ten of the births (5%) have not been able to be placed into a family, either because no mother’s maiden name was given (1), the mother’s maiden name was given as BRIMER (1), or because the maiden name given does not correspond to any BRIMER / BRYMER marriage records (8). The latter could have arisen because the parents were not married but the child took the father’s surname, the parents got married abroad, or the name has been wrongly transcribed. Two further births were transcribed as BRIMER in the indices but have since been identified as a PRIMER and a BRIMMER.

Graphs and charts have been produced using Microsoft Excel, maps have been produced using Steve Archer’s GenMap UK v2.3.

Click on any graph to enlarge it. Use the browser back button to return to the page.

Total BRIMER Births 1837-2005

The total number of births was 201. The modal number of births per year was 5 in 1883 and 1954. The median number of births was 2.5 per year and the mean, 1.2 births per year. Fifty eight years had no BRIMER births at all.


Male vs Female

The ratio of male : female births was 54% : 46%.



BRIMER Births per Family

30% of all BRIMER births between 1837-2005 were from family B, 20% from family, 17% from family J and 10 % from family L. The remaining 5 families and unknown family group made up the remaining 23%.


BRIMER Births by Area

Over half (51%) of the BRIMER births took place in County Durham. A further 15% took place in neighbouring Northumberland. Counties with less than four BRIMER births between 1837-2005 were grouped together as Others and include Clwyd, Cornwall, Essex, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Lincolnshire, Middlesex, Monmouthshire, Northamptonshire, Shropshire and Somerset.

The map below shows the extent of the England and Wales BRIMER births between 1837-2005 for all families. The size of the marker increases with the number of births in each place. The majority of births occurred on the Durham / Northumberland border in Newcastle upon Tyne, Tynemouth, Gateshead and South Shields.

Three quarters of all BRIMER births in County Durham took place in South Shields Registration District, with a further 17% taking place in Gateshead.

39% of BRIMER Births in Northumberland took place in Newcastle upon Tyne Registration District. A further quarter took place in Tynemouth.

The main locations for the Lancashire births were Oldham and West Derby Registration Districts.


BRIMER Births per Family by Area

Family B

Nearly 74% of births between 1837 -2005 in family B took place in Durham and Northumberland.

A map showing the full spread of births in this family is shown below.


Family D

All the BRIMER births for family D between 1837-2005 took place in Durham and Northumberland.

The map shows the family staying in one place.


Family E

Family E is mainly a Scottish family but had births in Lancashire and the South East between 1837-2005.

The map shows this south east cluster.


Family I

All the BRIMER births in England and Wales between 1837-2005 took place in Durham and Northumberland.

The map shows that these births took place either side of the river Tyne.



Family J

Births between 1837-2005 in Family J took place almost entirely in Durham with a much smaller group in Cardiff, Glamorgan.The map illustrates what a big move it would have been from County Durham to Cardiff – over 300 miles.


Family K

There were very few BRIMER births between 1837-2005 in England and Wales for family K. This line is likely to die out soon. All of the births took place in County Durham and Northumberland.

Again, the map illustrates the family living either side of the river Tyne.


Family L

100% of family L BRIMER births between 1837-2005 took place in Lancashire. The map shows where abouts in the county the births were registered.


Family O

Family O are a Scottish family who have lived mainly abroad. There are therefore very few births registered in England and Wales between 1837-2005. The births shown represent two families who moved around.

The map shows the extent of travel by this family in England and Wales.


Family X

The BRIMER births for Family X during the 1837-2005 time period all took place in Lambeth, Surrey. Again, the numbers involved are very small.


Family Unknown

The BRIMER births which have not been fitted into families have varied locations. These locations may give clues as to which families they may belong to or that they are unlikely to be BRIMER records at all.

The map shows these locations.


Birth Record Transcription Errors

Only surname transcription errors have been recorded. Two records were transcribed wrongly on all five websites, one record on two websites and the remaining four were unique transcription errors to that website. Two further records were transcribed as BRIMER on all five websites  but have since been identified as a PRIMER and BRIMMER. In addition ten records have not been able to be allocated to families yet and may prove to be of another surname.

Brimer-Brymer database last updated at 2016-07-02 00:29:43 with 4028 census records and 2856 individuals