Family C – William BREMNER and Agnes JACKSON

William BREMNER was a Mill Manager. Many of his male descendants had jobs as iron turners, ship platers, boiler makers and blacksmiths while the girls worked in the Jute industry. The family have also had an association with the railway industry in the UK, South Africa and Australia.

The Original Railway Station in Burntisland, Fife built in 1847 where Brymers worked as Goods Guards and Shunters.[i]

There are currently seven generations below William BREMNER and Agnes JACKSON. The name was recorded variously as BREMNER, BRIMER and BRYMER until the third generation when it settled as BRYMER. There have been 110 descendants born with these names in this branch in the UK – 59 male and 51 female. This healthy male to female ratio has contributed to the success of this family with 18 males still surviving in the UK and 8 males having emigrated to Australia, USA and South Africa.

Although the vast majority of events in this family took place in Dundee, Angus, there are no longer any male name bearers there. The family has migrated to neighbouring Fife and further afield to Herefordshire.


[i] Sommerville, Iain. Forth Place: The First Railway Station (1847) : accessed 20 June 2016.

Brimer-Brymer database last updated at 2016-07-02 00:29:43 with 4028 census records and 2856 individuals