Modern Distribution

It is possible to look at a relatively modern distribution of the Brymer, Bremner and Brebner surnames in 1998 using PublicProfiler[i]   Unfortunately, only names with more than 100 people in the 1998 Electoral Register were mapped and Brimer is therefore, not represented.

The BRYMER surname distribution (shown above) shows that the highest concentration of the name was found in the Dundee postal district. There were 164 people with this surname recorded in the 1998 Electoral Register.

The BREBNER surname distribution (shown above) shows that the highest concentration of the name was found in the Aberdeen postal district. There were 403 people with this surname recorded in the 1998 Electoral Register.

The BREMNER surname distribution (shown above) shows that the highest concentration of the name was found in Kirkwall postal district. There were 2881 people recorded with this surname in the 1998 Electoral Register, making it by far the most populous of the surnames within this study.

[i] PublicProfilerGB names. (2008) Brymer 1998. : accessed 28 May 2016.

Brimer-Brymer database last updated at 2016-07-02 00:29:43 with 4028 census records and 2856 individuals