Congratulations to Professor Stewart Brymer OBE

Congratulations to Professor Stewart Brymer on receiving his O.B.E at Buckingham Palace last week. The award was made for voluntary service to culture and heritage in Dundee, as honorary president and former chairman of Dundee Heritage Trust.


Professor Stewart Brymer and Family


Brimer-Brymer database last updated at 2016-07-02 00:29:43 with 4028 census records and 2856 individuals

Research Update

It has been a busy couple of months with lots of data gathering, including visits to the ScotlandsPeople Centres in Hawick and Edinburgh. I am now assimilating the data into individual family trees within one big master tree, which allows branches to be joined together as links are found. There are currently 1323 people on the master tree – a number which is growing by about 60 people a day at present!

I have also managed to identify all the living males bearing the BRIMER or BRYMER surnames within Scotland and am trying to contact them all to invite them to take part in the study. If you receive a letter please do share with your male relatives as it has not been possible to identify an address for everyone.

There are only seven surviving males of the BRIMER surname over the age of 18 and they are related, descending from one line:

  • James BRIMER and Helen or Ellen READDIE/ REDDIE/ READY.

There are thirty five surviving males of the BRYMER surname over the age of 18. They descend in three lines:

  • James BRYMER and Helen CUTHILL – 27 living male descendants
  • William BREMNER / BRYMER and Agnes JACKSON – 2 living male descendants
  • James BRYMER and Ann MORRIS – 2 living male descendants

There are also 4 living  BRYMER males born in Scotland who have Northern Irish connections – I would be very grateful if anyone could give me any further details on this family and whether it is related or not to the Scottish families.

I am now performing the same exercise on the English and Welsh families – more details to follow.

Brimer-Brymer database last updated at 2016-07-02 00:29:43 with 4028 census records and 2856 individuals